


I can deal
With the real world
For now

I'm just afraid
I'll do the same thing as always
Once you find someone else

And that makes me
A terrible friend

And if I'm going to be direct
Instead of beautifully poetic like you
Why can't I just say this in person?

i am cold, too cool to call you
far too stoned to leave my bed
i'll write this song to win your kiss
but stay asleep instead


don't don't don't let's start
this is the worst part


is that you in front of me
coming back for even more
of exactly the same?




had i known that line was there
i never would have crossed it
stuck on the outside
trying not to check my phone every five minutes

because while it's okay that you're upset
and i'm trying to give you space
i hope you don't keep me out here too long
it sucks away from you

if i buy her candy
will she know who i am?

she is famous
she's the best
i cannot lay
my heart to rest