

thoughtless crass
words crash against
a foundation
i'm already afraid
won't last
cuz i'm such
a fucking ass

(i deserve to be here
but i hate it
please come back)




 ...it can't be
about me?

and i'm
   r  ?
?  w
    i  ?
  ?  n
  ?in questions?
?on questions?

???like fuck
where would i start???


elephant gun

i guess i'll ask about this
next time we're in the same room


feels exciting
touching your handwriting
at the R. Crumb exhibit
i wonder who's sicker



You see I nailed my guilt to the back of my eyes
So I see it now before the sun
Now who was I, now who am I
Lord what have I done
What comes after the blues, after the blues


This shit stopped being poetry a while ago, it's basically journal entries with line breaks, so fuck it—I guess I'm just writing a journal entry. At least then I don't have to worry about it being "good" and there's less chance of me being cryptic or leaving things out or having a maybe inaccurate voice in service of the "poetry." Besides, it's not like I don't just steal lyrics from other people in every post, and that's always better poetry and usually better at saying what I'm trying to say anyway.

Been really self-pitying lately, in case that wasn't obvious. Really hoping it's just a combination of too much work, a fucked up sleep schedule, and getting sick that's making me feel this way. I thought I was at least on the upswing, where this situation with S— wasn't on my mind all the time and I at least kinda hoped I'd be okay with just being her friend one day, but I've just walked around feeling awful most of the time for like the last week and a half now. I dunno, I guess I've definitely been overemotional in general, I saw a dead raccoon(?) coming back from work on the day I called in last week and almost started crying. Played some Frightened Rabbit one day as well and that definitely sent me, although I can't listen to that band without crying period since their singer killed himself a few years ago. And I weirdly don't relate to a lot of it anymore, I think because I know my friendship with S— doesn't match up in most ways to what Scott is singing about with actual relationships. I think I used to force myself into lyrics more than I currently do, believe it or not.


I lay my head on the railroad tracks
And wait for the Double E
The railroad don't run no more
Poor, poor pitiful me


Regarding self-pity, I had my first productive stoned thought in a while this morning. Lately weed has just been making me anxious, but I keep trying because I'm back on antabuse (probably until I move out) and this is all I've got to hopefully make my brain shut up for a while. But this morning it actually gave me a little distance from things, and I realized that I used to wallow in my self-pity, then that grossed me out so I'd get stuck at feeling guilty and angry about it and about my inability to just act like a friend to S—, but I'm realizing that maybe I need to just allow myself to feel sorry for myself, to almost look at it as an act of self-care. If I saw someone else going through this, even fictionally, I would feel bad for them just out of empathy, so why do I disallow even a small amount of that for myself? It's not like getting angry or feeling guilty ultimately makes me any less self-pitying. It just makes me weird. S— said yesterday that it's good we feel emotions or otherwise we'd be fucked, maybe that's true of all emotions to some extent. Allow myself to empathize with me, and maybe I'll be able to empathize with her more. It's a shitty situation for everyone.

Because despite all my self-pitying shit, I *do* have sympathy for what she's going through (again) with this, too. The meme thing she showed me about women being fine with friendship after being rejected, and men having a meltdown stung because part of me was like... "I can't just drop these feelings I have for you, y'know? If I could take a friendship potion, I'd do it in a heartbeat just to change the way my heart beats." But it also stung because it reminded me of how fucking frustrating this has to be for her, when a dude she only sees as a best friend constantly gets weird, to have to walk on eggshells and watch everything she says, to not be able to talk about a new relationship that's *finally* healthy. I try to guess what's in her head so often in regards to me instead of listening to what she actually tells me (like even now I wonder what that "sometimes she wants to be the Button on your sleeve" line meant), but I don't spend enough time thinking about how shitty it has to be to be in her shoes, at least not without spinning off into a shame spiral and making it all about me again. I'm gonna try to walk that tightrope of being mindful of her feelings, while also not allowing myself to wallow in guilt over it or to let that guilt develop into shame. And it's good that I'm getting better at setting boundaries, I just wish those boundaries were fairer to her, and that I was both better at following them myself and not beating myself up when I do follow them.

S— mentioned a ball she went to on Friday and I wanted to ask her to tell me about it and to show me pictures, but I knew it would've just bummed me out more. I hate that I couldn't ask her about it, but maybe she didn't notice. Or maybe she knew enough not to tell me more, since she didn't send pictures even though she specifically mentioned pictures being taken. Fuck, I've gotta stop worrying about stuff like this if I'm going to set boundaries. It bummed me out knowing she went because I assume she went with A—, it woulda bummed me out more if he was in any of the pictures, and probably just seeing her would've made my heart do dumb stuff so it's good I didn't ask. I need to just leave it there.


I'm up in the spotlight
Oh does it feel right
Oh the altitude seems to get to me
I'm up on the tight wire
Flanked by life and the funeral pyre
Putting on a show for you to see

And the wire seems to be
The only place for me
A comedy of errors
And I'm falling


Fuck, seriously though, I'd give anything to be aromantic and asexual 100% of the time. A cute girl I've noticed around work was in the training sessions I went to this week, and I spent most of the week up in my head about it instead of just being friendly. I think she's too young for me anyway, like maybe recently out of college, but I could've just had a new friend to geek out about The Legend of Zelda with. Instead I spent half the week being a fucking weirdo, and by the time I finally talked to her a little on Wednesday and she didn't run screaming, they decided to drop Friday's session and I ended up being too sick on Thursday, so I basically lost any chance whatsoever since our shifts normally only overlap for a couple hours. Making new friends is awkward enough, I wish I didn't have dumbass storybook romance feelings before I even get to know people or, even more gross, boner feelings. I just wanna be friends with everyone, is that so much to ask?

I feel like I had more shit I wanted to say, but I've gotten up and down and done other stuff while writing this and now I don't remember what it was. I need to write like this more often, although maybe I should keep it private. This is starting to feel kinda icky too (a childish description for what is probably a childish behavior). Speaking of icky, I pulled a couple of the gross poems down. Also tried rewriting one to be more from her perspective to try and understand how she feels more. I guess I'll end with that. I rewrote it in my head earlier and I'm not sure if I forgot how it went or if it's just not as good as it sounded in my head, but meh. Feeling okay today, and while I absolutely don't trust it, I'll take it as long as it lasts.


what do you do
when the person you tell
when you want to celebrate

can't handle
the celebration?


Can I live in your castle?
I promise you'll never know I'm here
I swear it's worth the hassle
What is life without a little fear?

Your rooms are empty
And I
Have found
Some darkness I can fill



Sorry about my gross poems in the last one (but not sorry enough to take them down, I guess), it helps me more to post them here than to keep them on my phone (maybe because I know you'll see them here - ugh, I'm such a shitty person).

Maybe I'll feel better soon, maybe I'll feel embarrassed for posting all of this in a week or two, but it's how I'm feeling now and I'm scared it's how I'll always feel and I guess I want you to know without telling you directly. I'm sorry.


what do you do
when the person you tell
when you're feeling sad

becomes the reason
you're feeling sad?


i used to think i'd be okay
with waiting for you forever

but i'm starting to see
that i might not have a choice

that i might not be able
to stop

even as i'm realizing
you'll never come around


can you keep dealing with me
if i never get over you?
because as much as i want to move on
i don't think it's ever going to happen


posting all this to push you away so it at least feels somewhat mutual if i finally give up this charade again


did i help you clean your apartment
so you could invite him over?


i never worried much
about whether or not i was attractive 
until you told me you weren't attracted to me

but you dated
that gangly
for years

that's really the only thing
that makes me bitter

otherwise all that i hate
is how much i hurt
and how much
i'm hurting you


i just want to
make you dinner and
respect your wants/needs


you recently said one reason
you couldn't date me
is because you couldn't bear
to hurt me if we broke up

and i know you were trying
to be kind and let me down easy

...but i already ache so much
that i can't imagine it being worse

and even if it hurt
more than anything
at least i'd know
we tried

i think never getting that chance
is what hurts most of all


i hope
    (for your sake)
you find the one

but if you do
please don't invite me
to your wedding


i love you so much
that i'd do it all again
even if i couldn't change


I hate when I feel like this
But I never hated you


Got this feeling
When I heard your name the other day
Couldn't say it
Couldn't make it go away

It's a hard place
Can't be friends we can't be enemies
It's just too much
I feel the weight crushing down on my face

The hardest part is things already said
Getting better worse I cannot tell
Why do good things never wanna stay?
Some things you lose, some things you give away

Broken pieces
Try to make it good again
Is it worth it?
Will it make me sick today?

It's a dumb song
But I'll write it anyway
It's an old mistake
But we always make it—why do we?

This time it'll be alright
This time it'll be okay



If I was a booger
Would you blow your nose?
Would you keep it?
Would you eat it?
I'm just trying to give myself a reason
For being around


i feel like i've written half this shit a million times already


I'm learning how to be here and nowhere else
How to focus on what I can do myself

Leave it all to memory of what we did when we were young and
Now you could just leave me on my own

I'm not, I'm not you
You're a part of me
You're a part of me

I'm not telling you all I'm going through
I feel fine



caught myself thinking
"what are we even doing?"
(as in dragging along
neither getting what we want)

because i always end up
thinking of everything
in terms of "we" or "us"
when that's never been

what am i even doing?


Is that you in front of me
Coming back for even more
Of exactly the same?
You must be a masochist
To love a modern leper
On his


why do you keep putting up with my shit?
do you keep hoping things will be different one day, too?


I wish we'd never met
Then met today

You're the shit

And I'm knee-deep in it



i'm trying not to, but i still wonder
if you don't feel that way about me
because i do feel that way about you


Wish I remember when we kissed but now it's faded
'Cause I always just replayed it till it left

I wanna save myself, you'rе part of my addiction



loneliness is such
a worthless goddamn feeling
imagine thinking
other people
are what i need


Do you feel safe with him?
Can he give you everything?
Is he gonna work out?
Is he gonna work out?

Do you wanna hurt him?
Do you wanna kill him?
Is he gonna work out?
Is he gonna work out?


You used to say I had what it takes
I think I did if you meant too little too late
I can tell by the looks that I'm gettin'
I made some big mistakes
And I thought you said I was great

Shoot straight and give it my best try
I made my heart as hard as nails
That may be the way you live your life
But it's almost got me killed

Darling, I'm not giving in
That happened miles ago
I heard the North Star saying:
"Kid, you're so lost even I can't bring you home"

Did you think that we were going to last?
Honey, you know you don't have to answer that
Half of that was my kind of joke
I don't remember which half

I didn't know how blue I'd get
I didn't know how I'd get blamed for it
I didn't choose to go down this road
No one chooses to be sick

I'm saying everything is fine
By the look in my eye
But you know, darling
Half of what a man says is a lie

It's your last chance to forget me now
That it's done for good
You always said I'd make it out
Somehow, darling, I knew I never would



Stuff I wrote today, some has been kicking around my head all week. Also some lyrics that may not fully apply to my life, or that I may not feel entirely, but they've also been in my head all week and I'll be goddamned if I'm not gonna twist them around in my brain so they fit to me. If I'm good at nothing else, I'm good at that. "Did I listen to pop music because I was depressed, or was I depressed because I listened to pop music?"

It's difficult not to worry about what happens next
Certain looks sort out confused looks
Certain looks sport confused looks



baptize me
in boiling water
hot enough so
i can't breathe
at least then
i'll be gasping
over something other
than you

slough my skin
shed the old me
and any new ones, too

boil my heart to leather
because I'm tired of feeling
and hurting
everyone around me


Don't leave my hyper heart alone
Cover me in rag and bone and sympathy
Because I don't want to get over you


are you my muse?
or is it feeling shitty
about you?

probably it's been
me and my selfishness
all along


I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones


sick with malignant thoughts
i vomit forth on the page
trying to rid myself
of this selfish disease


my mask stopped working
saturated by the miasma
surrounding us (...or maybe just me)
perhaps breathing it straight
is the only way towards immunity


If I see you struggle and givin' all that you got
I see you work all night, burning your light
To the last of its dim watts
I'm gonna help you how I can

If you see me struggle all night
Give me a hand 'cause I'm in need
I'll call you friend, indeed

But I'm gonna watch my own back


too sad
to take care of it myself
so as i slept
my brain—
weird runaway creep it is—
did the work
mapping uncharted territory
with its tongue


Your heart may lack love inside
But I will keep it in formaldehyde
The valve and aorta, but no crash cart
I will repossess your heart
I will repossess your heart
(look, i know i never had it, nor do you lack love, but it's a great song and you just referenced the Death Cab one and i am the crown douchebag of reinterpretation)




the shittiest Beatles song

i should've asked
to hold your hand today
skin to skin

and you should go
to whoever makes you feel
at home in yours

even if it isn't me

...that sounds worse,
more hopeless than i meant
but i guess that's normal here

my brain's the weak heart
and my heart's the long stairs


it's okay to leave your dog
in a hot car