

Stuff I wrote today, some has been kicking around my head all week. Also some lyrics that may not fully apply to my life, or that I may not feel entirely, but they've also been in my head all week and I'll be goddamned if I'm not gonna twist them around in my brain so they fit to me. If I'm good at nothing else, I'm good at that. "Did I listen to pop music because I was depressed, or was I depressed because I listened to pop music?"

It's difficult not to worry about what happens next
Certain looks sort out confused looks
Certain looks sport confused looks



baptize me
in boiling water
hot enough so
i can't breathe
at least then
i'll be gasping
over something other
than you

slough my skin
shed the old me
and any new ones, too

boil my heart to leather
because I'm tired of feeling
and hurting
everyone around me


Don't leave my hyper heart alone
Cover me in rag and bone and sympathy
Because I don't want to get over you


are you my muse?
or is it feeling shitty
about you?

probably it's been
me and my selfishness
all along


I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones


sick with malignant thoughts
i vomit forth on the page
trying to rid myself
of this selfish disease


my mask stopped working
saturated by the miasma
surrounding us (...or maybe just me)
perhaps breathing it straight
is the only way towards immunity


If I see you struggle and givin' all that you got
I see you work all night, burning your light
To the last of its dim watts
I'm gonna help you how I can

If you see me struggle all night
Give me a hand 'cause I'm in need
I'll call you friend, indeed

But I'm gonna watch my own back


too sad
to take care of it myself
so as i slept
my brain—
weird runaway creep it is—
did the work
mapping uncharted territory
with its tongue


Your heart may lack love inside
But I will keep it in formaldehyde
The valve and aorta, but no crash cart
I will repossess your heart
I will repossess your heart
(look, i know i never had it, nor do you lack love, but it's a great song and you just referenced the Death Cab one and i am the crown douchebag of reinterpretation)

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