

Terrified for the future of... well, everything, but I'm too fucking pissed and upset to even write something clever about the absolute scumbags running everything and the people supporting them. So instead, here's two unfinished pomes about myself that I unsubtly mashed into one, and an old, weird, quasi-experimental thing I found (would give anything to have that me back again).

[11.2020 & 01.06.2021]


i always thought i was doing something noble by ignoring my real feelings in order to "be there" for her
except i could never fully "be there" because i was ignoring my real feelings

never able to say
how i really feel
and it always leads up
to the same reveal


my therapist's POV

["I know this girl..."]

No, let me start over

["I know this woman," he said.

He said, "Let me tell you about her."]

And then he did

And the things he told me...

Man, you should've been there

You should've heard

This girl...

This woman

She picked right up

She left her family

She left her friends

She left her everything

To go somewhere far less comfortable

Than the place she lived

["And she did it," he said,

"Because she said that's what she wanted.

To leave everything, to start all over.

And that hopefully it would help her."]

Which it will, of course

["But," he said,

"She's also doing it to help other people,

people who really need help," he said.

"Because," he said,

"at her core, she is

a tremendous human being."]

He said that

And I could do nothing

But smile


And miss her with him.


"I think that we'll go to hell for
All the things that we have thought we've done"

"My words they don't come out right
But I'll try to say I'm happy for you"

"'Best friends' may not mean 'best friends forever'
But it does mean at some point, somewhere, someone did care
And the memory is still there"

"Lay the young blue bodies
With the old red bodies
I'm afraid of everyone

With my kid on my shoulders I try
Not to hurt anybody I like
But I don't have the drugs to sort it out"

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