

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Golden Record (Voyager 1)

Let go, it's okay
I'm trying to do the same
- and I don't mean let go of life,
which is always a gift
No matter how much you (and I) might disbelieve that


Golden Record (Voyager 2)

For what it's worth
(less than nothing, I'm sure
- and if that's true
I don't blame you for one second)
I'm sorry.
For everything.

...god, I want to tell you that in person.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I have a permanent death stare
And I can't stop looking in the mirror

Friday, August 8, 2014


I've lost my will to write
Because I finally have to admit:
I'll never pen myself into your heart
Nor you out of mine

I've said everything
There is to say
One time
Too many

...and you're tired of listening anyway